Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Writing, Resistance, and Ghosts

It’s been a long time since I posted here. I originally started this blog way back in 2011 because I was inspired by others in archaeology and classics writing blogs that I really enjoyed reading and because I hoped it would help jump start my own writing practice. It didn’t help me.

In the intervening years I’ve tried a number of other things to develop a writing practice and I’ve not been terribly successful. These included joining writing groups, reading books about writing, and even trying my hand at some fan fiction, but none of these helped me develop a practice. I’m contracted as a lecturer at my university so there is no expectation that I do research and publish for my job. But I have ideas and want to put them out there, or in the case of my archaeological fieldwork, need to put them out there.

This fall I’m participating in the NCFDD's Faculty Success Program (FSP). We're only four weeks into the ten-week program. I don’t know if this is going to help me either, but it does feel a little different. Daily accountability and a small cohort that meets weekly, plus specific actions tied to developing a habit of writing. I also feel like I’m in a different head space in the last year or two than I had previously been in, more willing to do the work for whatever reason.

The topic for Week Four of the FSP is “resistance.” I had to document my internal resistance to writing for the week. This reminded me of Pliny the Younger's story about the philosopher Athenodorus and the haunted house in Athens, (Epistle 7.27.5-11). This is not the point of Pliny's story at all, but I’ve always been impressed that Athenodorus could just keep writing, even with a chain-rattling ghost approaching ever closer. I suspect if anyone has ever avoided feeling resistance to writing, it must be Athenodorus.

And since it’s such a good ghost story and it’s almost Halloween, and it gives me more writing practice of a sort a rough translation of Pliny's haunted house story follows below. I’m not sure if I will make any significant return to this blog, but now that I’ve committed to at least 30 minutes of writing every weekday…

 Excerpted* from Pliny the Younger’s letter to L. Licinius Sura about the existence of ghosts:

5. There was in Athens a large and roomy house, but notorious and diseased. Through the stillness of the night there was the sound of chains, and if you were to pay attention more carefully, the noise of chains farther away at first, then echoing back from very nearby: soon afterwards a ghost appeared, an old man diminished by his leanness and filthiness, with his beard grown out, hair shaggy; shackles on his legs, he was carrying chains and shaking them in his hands.

5. Erat Athenis spatiosa et capax domus sed infamis et pestilens. Per silentium noctis sonus ferri, et si attenderes acrius, strepitus vinculorum longius primo, deinde e proximo reddebatur: mox apparebat idolon, senex macie et squalore confectus, promissa barba horrenti capillo; cruribus compedes, manibus catenas gerebat quatiebatque.

6. Afterward gloomy and dreadful nights kept the occupants sleepless due to their fear; as their terror grew, disease and death followed. For also during the day, although the ghost had gone off, the memory of the ghost floated in their eyes, and this longer lingering fear was a cause of anxiety. Then the house, abandoned and condemned to vacancy and left entirely to that monster; still it was listed for sale, whether anyone ignorant of such evil would wish to buy or lease it.

6. Inde inhabitantibus tristes diraeque noctes per metum vigilabantur; vigiliam morbus et crescente formidine mors sequebatur. Nam interdiu quoque, quamquam abscesserat imago, memoria imaginis oculis inerrabat, longiorque causis timoris timor erat. Deserta inde et damnata solitudine domus totaque illi monstro relicta; proscribebatur tamen, seu quis emere seu quis conducere ignarus tanti mali vellet.

 7. The philosopher Athenodorus came to Athens, he read the advertisement and having heard the price, because the low price was suspicious, he made inquiries, he was told everything and nonetheless, despite this he leased it much more readily. When it began to approach evening, he ordered a bed prepared for himself in the front of the house, he asked for writing tablets, a stylus, a lamp, and he sent all of his staff into the interior of the house; he himself turned his mind, eyes, and hand to writing, so that his idle mind would not imagine the reported phantoms and pointless fears.

7. Venit Athenas philosophus Athenodorus, legit titulum auditoque pretio, quia suspecta vilitas, percunctatus omnia docetur ac nihilo minus, immo tanto magis conducit. Ubi coepit advesperascere, iubet sterni sibi in prima domus parte, poscit pugillares stilum lumen, suos omnes in interiora dimittit; ipse ad scribendum animum oculos manum intendit, ne vacua mens audita simulacra et inanes sibi metus fingeret.

 8. At first, just as everywhere else, there was the silence of the night; next, iron clanking together, chains being moved. That man did not raise his eyes, he did not set aside his stylus, but he focused his mind and tuned in his ears. Then the clanking grew stronger, it came ever closer and now it was audible at the door, now inside the door! Athenodorus looked about: he saw and recognized the apparition described to him.  

8. Initio, quale ubique, silentium noctis; dein concuti ferrum, vincula moveri. Ille non tollere oculos, non remittere stilum, sed offirmare animum auribusque praetendere. Tum crebrescere fragor, adventare et iam ut in limine, iam ut intra limen audiri. Respicit, videt agnoscitque narratam sibi effigiem.

 9. It stopped and made a gesture with its finger as if summoning him. The philosopher likewise indicated with his hand that the ghost should wait a bit and again focused on his waxed tablets and stylus. The apparition went on rattling his chains over the writer’s head. Athenodorus looked around again <and saw> the same figure gesturing as before, and without delay he picked up his lamp and followed.

9. Stabat innuebatque digito similis vocanti. Hic contra ut paulum exspectaret manu significat rursusque ceris et stilo incumbit. Illa scribentis capiti catenis insonabat. Respicit rursus idem quod prius innuentem, nec moratus tollit lumen et sequitur.

 10. The apparition moved with slow steps as if heavy with chains. When it turned into the courtyard of the house, it abandoned its companion, disappearing suddenly. Left behind, Athenodorus placed some grass and plucked leaves, a marker on the spot.

10. Ibat illa lento gradu quasi gravis vinculis. Postquam deflexit in aream domus, repente dilapsa deserit comitem. Desertus herbas et folia concerpta signum loco ponit.

 11. The next day, Athenodorus went to the magistrates, he advised that they should order that spot to be dug up. Bones, mixed and entangled with chains, were discovered; bones, which the body, rotted by time and the earth, had left bare and corroded by the chains; having been gathered up they were buried publicly. Afterward, the house was free from spirits, the ghost having been laid by customary rites.

11. Postero die adit magistratus, monet ut illum locum effodi iubeant. Inveniuntur ossa inserta catenis et implicita, quae corpus aevo terraque putrefactum nuda et exesa reliquerat vinculis; collecta publice sepeliuntur. Domus postea rite conditis manibus caruit.

*Latin text from The Latin Library, “C. Plinius Caecilius Secundus, Epistularum Libri Decem.”

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

"Archaeology in Popular Comics and Graphic Novels" - My Contribution to the Public Archaeology Twitter Conference, 28 April 2017

Last week I had the opportunity to participate in the international Public Archaeology Twitter Conference organized by Lorna Richardson. Dozens of papers were tweeted, in 12 or fewer tweets, by people working at the intersection of archaeology and public engagement. My paper fit into the "Archaeology and Media" (#archmedia) panel. 

I'm reproducing my abstract and paper here. I got some great feedback during the #PATC but would welcome other thoughts and conversations on the topic of archaeology in comics.
My Twitter handle is @am_christensen or leave a comment below.

The public face of archaeology in popular culture is commonly represented by the Indiana Jones-type archaeologist as portrayed by Harrison Ford in Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981). The recent appearance of Doctor Aphra (first Darth Vader issue #3, (March 25, 2015) and in her own spin off series Doctor Aphra (December 7, 2016) in Marvel’s Star Wars comic universe demonstrates this, overtly playing with links between Harrison Ford’s portrayal of Indy and Han Solo in the original Star Wars films (1977-1983). The work of archaeologists and scholars like Johannes Loubser (Archaeology: the Comic, 2003), Cornelius Holtorf (Archaeology is a Brand, 2007), and John Swogger (Comics and Archaeology, 2011-ongoing) have made clear the advantages of visual narrative for archaeological scholarship and publication. Within the framework of these two diverse uses of comics that portray different ends of the archaeological spectrum, I would like to examine how the graphic novels by Richard McGuire (Here, Pantheon Graphic Novels 2014) and Peter Kuper (Ruins, SelfMadeHero, 2015) provide another face of archaeology in comics. These graphic novels present an alternative to the pop culture archaeologist represented by Doctor Aphra, but they are not scholarly works that aim to focus on archaeology per se. Instead both McGuire and Kuper address the relationship between sites and human activity over the course of time. As both authors unfold their visual narratives, McGuire’s in one corner of a living room in the northeastern United States and Kuper in the pre-Columbian ruins of Monte Albán, we as audience can see the interconnectedness of time and place. I propose that both authors present us with experiences of Tim Ingold’s concept of the “taskscape,” (“The Temporality of the Landscape,” World Archaeology, 1993), allowing their audiences to unpack the layers of local activity and visualize each within the longue durée.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Playing with Aeneid Book 8 in TimelineJS

This is a trial run for creating a visual tour of Rome, an assignment I'm creating for my Roman civ course this spring. I'm working with the text of Aeneid Book 8, especially the tour of Pallanteum (aka Future-Rome) Evander gives to Aeneas from Hercules' Ara Maxima to Evander's home on the Palatine hill.


Notes to self:
pasted from get link for preview

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Some thoughts on Caesar, gladiators, and crossing the Rubcon

As I was preparing my notes on the civil wars in the late Roman Republic, for which I use the crossing of the Rubicon as a focal point so my students can have an opportunity to look at some primary sources, I was particularly struck by the mention in both Plutarch and Suetonius of Caesar’s attention to gladiators on the day before he crosses the Rubicon, There is no question that this crossing is the symbol of  a watershed moment in Roman history, but it is interesting to look at how the moment is developed in ancient sources: Beginning with Caesar himself (presumably writing in 49 BCE as events were unfolding, and perhaps editing after the fact), who fails to even mention the crossing (I personally like how HBO’s Rome depicts this moment and I show the clip in class), to the poet Lucan (mid 1st century CE) who provides our earliest extant source after Caesar, to historical sources like Suetonius (early 2nd century CE) and Appian (mid 2nd century CE) who, influenced by Lucan and his sources, add much deliberating and even supernatural/divine elements, and finally Cassius Dio (early 3rd century CE) who again downplays the crossing.

In his Life of Caesar, Plutarch describes Caesar as spending the day at Ravenna watching gladiators practice before sneaking off and crossing the Rubicon under the cover of Darkness. In Suetonius’ version, (Life of Caesar 31.1), Caesar spends the day at public gladiatorial spectacle and reviewing plans for a gladiatorial school he was going to build in Ravenna. Suetonius attributes Caesar’s actions to a conscious plan to avoid suspicion about his plans to enter Italy with his army. In crossing the Rubicon, Caesar is illegally leaving his province and essentially betraying the Roman state. Caesar makes no mention of the time of Day, but Lucan emphasizes the darkness of the night (de Bello Civili 1.187)” obscuram..noctem”)  in his account. Caesar’s crossing is made all the more nefarious by doing it in the secrecy of night. Cicero makes it clear that night and conspiracies go hand in hand at the beginning of his first Catilinarian speech when he asks Catiline what he was up to on the preceding nights. Suetonius (Life of Nero 26) tells us that Nero would wander the streets at night in disguise, assaulting people under cover of darkness.
I’d apparently never paid much attention to these references to gladiators and Caesar’s activities just before entering Italy. While there is no reason not to believe that this is exactly what Caesar did on that day, it is an interesting and potentially loaded comment in light of its juxtaposition with Caesar’s illegal departure from his province.
We know Caesar had an interest in gladiators. As aedile, in 65 BCE, he staged an elaborate set of funeral games for his father, (who had died 20 years earlier) with 320 pairs of gladiators (Plutarch, Life of Caesar 5.5). This number was apparently smaller than Caesar wished to display, because Suetonius (Life of Caesar 10.2) tells us that a decree was issued by Caesar’s opponents limiting the number of gladiators that one could have in Rome.  Drawing from my notes on the origins of gladiatorial spectacles in Rome, I’ve recorded a number of the earliest munera. 120 pairs at the funeral of P. Licinius Crassus in 183 BCE, (Livy, ab urbe condita 39.46) is The largest number I have in the period from 264 BCE when the first gladiatorial combats were staged for the funeral of L. Junius Pera to 122 BCE, when G. Gracchus ordered the bleachers in the Forum dismantled to allow free access to the spectacles at some set of funeral games.
In addition to his plans to build a gladiatorial school at Ravenna, We also know that Caesar owned a ludus at Capua. Cicero, who with Pompey and the rest of the anti-Caesar faction left Rome once Caesar had crossed into Italy in 49 BCE, provides us with the information, in a letter to his friend Atticus (epistulae ad Atticum 7.14), that Caesar’s gladiators had been planning their escape and that there were 5000 shields in the ludus. Presumably, Cicero includes this number of shields to highlight the large number of gladiators owned by Caesar, although it seems highly unlikely that we should read this as a 1:1 ratio of shield:gladiator. Cicero also includes the information that Pompey has taken care of the potential threat of Caesar’s gladiators by distributing them in pairs to citizens, preventing them from conspiring in large numbers.
It is important to bring one more thread into this to explain my thoughts on what Plutarch and Suetonius might have been doing when they chose to include the detail about Caesar spending the day watching gladiators fight before crossing the Rubicon. For ca. three years  (73-71 BCE) the Romans in Italy were terrorized by the rebellion of the gladiator Spartacus, which started in Capua and grew in size as the army of gladiators, other slaves, and perhaps impoverished citizens, moved up and down the Italian peninsula. Surely, Caesar’s plans for staging a large number of gladiators (beyond the 640 he did use) in 65 BCE must have stirred the fears of the Romans, who had just a few years before feared an attack on Rome itself by Spartacus.  It is also worth noting that Pompey, Caesar’s opponent in the Civil War, helped wrap up the Spartacus rebellion, although it was M. Licinius Crassus who did the bulk of the work and received official credit.
 [I like this map as it shows Spartacus’general path, the Rubicon River, & Capua.
Image via VROMA]
Lucan has Pompey deliver a speech to his men in which he compares Caesar first to Catiline (2.541). Catiline previously had been called a gladiator by Cicero (In Catilinam 1.12) and identified as an associate as gladiators (In Catilinam 2.4-5 and 11-12). In addition, Sallust (ca. Late 40’s BCE; Bellum Catilinae 30) tells us that Catiline was planning to recruit slaves from Capua, but that the Roman senate dispatched men to make sure the gladiators were kept in lock down. Lucan’s Pompey then specifically compares Caesar to Spartacus (2.554), (and in a twist that matters a lot in thinking about Lucan), and has Pompey wishing that Crassus was still alive to deal with Caesar as he did Spartacus.

To wrap my thoughts up, I haven’t even begun to think about how Plutarch and Suetonius present Caesar in their biographies as a whole. My general recollection is that they are not particularly negative, and so that may leave all of my potential nefarious connections to Caesar and gladiators without much foundation for subversive readings of these authors’ inclusion of these details just before they describe Caesar crossing the Rubicon. Maybe some Caesar scholars have further thoughts to share.